

Luz V Garcia Felix



Available By


Languages Spoken

English, Spanish








I am a certified Astrologer- Numerology. I can prepare astrological charts and interpret the charts in English or Spanish. I use my knowledge of sciences, theosophy, astrology, intuitive skills inherit since childhood, and numerology to analyze the qualities inherent by your unique place, time, and date of birth.


Besides my recent certifications, I also bring into this new line of work my  prior work experiences in other fields of education:

·      Biochemistry bachelor degree

·      Master in Environmental Engineering

·      Master in Philosophy

·      Master in Science Education

·      Ph. D. in Cognitive Science


I apply all my sciences, cognitive knowledge, and experience to visualize the Astrological and Numerology chart in more depth. We are spiritual beings that bring into this life our unique qualities more easily understand through the astrological chart interpretation.


Please feel free to text me or call me if interested in scheduling an appointment for developing your Astrology-Numerology chart.

It is essential are to mention that to prepare a complete Astrological- Numerology chart, the date of birth, place of birth, and time of birth are required. This information is the only way to get an accurate Astrological Numerology chart.


Also, if you are more interested in determining a business name or commercial name evaluation for positive outcomes, we can discuss it as a secondary Astrological analysis to be done after the completion of your Astrology-Numerology chart analysis.


Best discovery of your potential present and future outcomes,


Dr. Luz V Garcia Felix